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LATE 2007-EARLY 2008 C.E.


The world sits on the edge of a cliff unaware of it's teetering fate...

In the southern region of Banov, Slovakia a disheveled woman carefully places a hot bowl of broth onto a tray. The bags under her eyes and newly formed wrinkles on her forehead paint a portrait of deep concern and grief.

She carefully nudges open the door to the bedroom she shares with her husband of 13 years. Shock and then elation pass over her face as she takes in the silhouette of her husband standing in front of the small window. She hastily sets the tray down on their shabby dresser knocking over a collection of pill bottles. Her husband tilts his head slightly toward the clatter and begins to turn slowly. 

Tears well in the woman's eyes as she approaches her husband muttering phrases of relief and love. The moisture blurs her vision as she reaches out and pulls her husband into an embrace. Her words of endearment are cut off as her husband sinks his teeth into the sensitive flesh where her neck meets her shoulder.

MID 2010 C.E.


Our home is no longer ours alone.

The dead rose, toxic gas ravaged human numbers, and those who still lived hid. So few of us, humans, remained. A wave of relief and hope swept through all survivors when the toxic gas dissipated just as mysteriously as it arrived. Perhaps it was an enemy tactic to lure us all out? If so, it worked. 


Months of relative peace with occasional sightings of "aliens" went by. In some places, power was restored and people were finding something close to what was before. Scientists began investigating the walking dead and extraterrestrial happenings. None of this was to last...

As best as we can piece it together, they struck the globe in unison. Our species teetered on the edge of extinction. Rebel groups formed to defend our planet, but didn't stand a chance against the enemy's advanced technology. Signs of terraforming were already showing. Two long years humans were living like scared animals hiding in caves and scavenging for food. Then it stopped.

The ships stood still. Those creatures on the ground became feral; any semblance of intelligence gone. No one knows why or how. People are afraid to ask. As we slowly emerged from hiding a stirring of something like hope began. Maybe this is our chance to fight back? 

Everyday is a struggle. We won't stop fighting. This planet is ours. We will fight for it until the last.

This is home.

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