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Archived Character Highlights

Once a month we highlight one of the characters you can meet on The Unit. 

Current Character Highlight


Born Name: Steven Bokobib
Current name: Jangles
Age: 31
Height: 6'2"
Birthplace: Lipník, Slovakia 
Personality: Vengeful, distrusting, angry

Steven grew up in a broken home. His earliest memories were not fond ones. They were memories of being yelled at and physically assaulted. At school it was no different, Steven would get laughed at and people would make fun of him for a myriad of different things. His clothes, his looks, his bruises. 

As Steven grew and things didn't change he accepted this as part of life. Now a senior in highschool Steven kept to himself a lot. He rarely looked at or talked to anyone. He was a rather good student especially in language learning English and even some German. One day near the end of his final year Steven was stood on the highway looking at the Hron river when a convoy of cars, busses, and trucks went by with "Circus" on the side. Animals in cages and people in costumes. It was something that definitely caught his attention. 



Steven went and collected what money he could from around the house doing the best he could to avoid or ignore his family. Steven left in a hurry and went to the carnival and stood watching them set up large tents or red and yellow. Steven was first in line to buy a ticket. He went inside finding he didn't have enough to buy any concessions. Steven slowly walked around and mingled in the slowly growing crowd then without much though he grabbed a plastic bag of popcorn from one of the small stands. Someone called after him but he quickly sunk back into the crowd. 

Steven watched the show smiling until about halfway through five men come up, one stall runner, three rather large muscular men and one large man in a suit with a tall hat. The stall runner pointed to Steven and told the ringmaster about how the teen had stolen the popcorn. Instead of kicking him out the ringmaster pulled Steven up out of his seat and told him he would work to pay off his new debt. 

Steven was then trained to be a Clown. Taught what to do and would work on his routine at home. He caught even more flak from his schoolmates and his family but he just shrugged it off as he found he enjoyed it. Jangles the Clown, that was Steven's new name. He worked every weekend Friday Saturday and Sunday all day the same routine. Then, he started to get side jobs as Jangles doing birthdays for kids at first. Then bachelor parties, adults birthdays, sometimes just for fun as a prank for no special reason. 

Jangles found the more he worked the less he enjoyed; The more irritated and angry he would become, especially when people laughed at him and not his jokes or routines. Jangles kept doing the job though and as he did people would laugh more and more at him and not the jokes. Jangles in his irate started to punish the people that would use him for pranks and the people that laughed at him directly. 

He would often slash tires or break windows in anger on whoever hired him for a prank seeing it as only fair. Jangles one night during on of his rages got caught by the police and took to the jail where he'd serve a couple years for multiple infractions. During which time the prisoners would make him perform for them. Jangles got released in the later half of 2007 where he settles in Banov trying to restart his life. He was taking medication after being diagnosed as a sociopath and was starting to get things back together. 

The world went to shit in 2008. Jangles was getting ready as the carnival was supposed to be coming in the next couple weeks but things started to happen fast. People were changing, walls got erected, military people came and went from the now walled city as Jangles watched from his apartment. News spread about a infection of sorts that turns people into Demons. Jangles couldn't help but let out a laugh, something he hadn't done in awhile while he slides his yellow helmet on.

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